AI Offer Generator: The tool to make your Sales Team's life easier

Tomasz Gabryś, AI & Business design consultant

For B2B companies with products or services that have complex pricing structures, creating commercial offers can be a time-consuming and meticulous task. Sales specialists are often under immense pressure to deliver high-quality, tailored offers swiftly while managing multiple clients and projects. 

Therefore an AI Offer generator is helpful for your team if you have the following business challenges: 

  • Your team spends excessive time crafting detailed and accurate proposals for multiple clients. 
  • Your team struggles to gather and process extensive data, such as pricing models, client-specific discounts, inventory levels, and historical purchase data. 
  • Frequent mistakes in proposals lead to lost opportunities and damage your company's reputation. 
  • Your team has difficulty in ensuring product, service, and pricing information is always accurate and up-to-date. 
  • You require a solution that allows sales reps to work efficiently from anywhere, without being tied to a computer. 

Dive in to see how an AI-powered offer generator can solve these challenges!


What is an AI-Powered Offer Generator?

The AI-powered Offer Generator is an AI-based solution, that transforms how sales teams generate and manage orders. This innovative solution integrates advanced AI technologies, such as generative artificial intelligence and speech-to-text conversion. The goal of this solution is to significantly increase the speed and efficiency of your sales team's interactions with IT systems.


Business Advantages that it brings 

Business Benefits thar brings AI Offer Generator

 Reduce operational costs and time to generate an offer. 

Time-Consuming Process: Creating detailed and accurate proposals for multiple clients demands significant time and effort. It often involves manually searching for products in ERP systems and creating orders.  
The AI Offer Generator simplifies order entry by offering a user-friendly mobile interface and speech-to-text technology. Your Sales team can quickly access customer information and enter orders via touch or voice commands, allowing for immediate proposal generation during or after meetings. 

Simplify Order Creation without manual data entry 

Complex Data Compilation: Gathering and processing extensive data, such as pricing models, client-specific discounts, inventory levels, and historical purchase data, can be labor-intensive. This solution integrates with IT systems to automate data compilation, making this task much more manageable. 

Do not lose an opportunity due to manual errors in the offer. 

Risk of Errors: Errors in proposals can lead to lost opportunities and damage a company's reputation. The AI Offer Generator minimizes the risk of errors by performing automated checks and real-time data analysis. It cross-verifies proposal details against up-to-date inventory levels, pricing models, and client-specific information.  
This ensures that all data is accurate and relevant, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and enhancing the overall reliability of the proposals. 

Keep product, service, and pricing information up to date

Information Updates: The AI Offer Generator ensures that the latest information is always used by continuously syncing with the company's IT systems. It automatically updates product, service, and pricing information in real time. This integration guarantees that every proposal reflects the most current data, maintaining the accuracy and relevance of quotes provided to clients. 

Enable your team with Efficiency with mobility. 

Dependency on Computers: Preparing bids often requires the use of a computer, which can be inconvenient for sales representatives on the move. The AI Offer Generator provides a mobile solution, enabling sales reps to work efficiently from anywhere. 
The AI Offer Generator provides a mobile solution, enabling sales reps to work efficiently from anywhere. 


How Does the AI Offer Generator Work?

The AI Offer Generator is designed to be a comprehensive order generation and management tool with a user-friendly interface. Here’s how it works: 
  1. Customer Selection: Salespeople start by selecting a customer and accessing relevant information such as previous orders and pricing policies. 
  2. Order Entry: Using a simple interface or speech-to-text conversion, orders can be entered quickly, even during customer meetings.
  3. Inventory Analysis: The app checks available inventory in real time, offering alternatives if necessary. 
  4. Instant Feedback: Provides instant feedback, allowing sales representatives to make informed decisions and provide accurate information to customers on the spot. 
  5. Order Finalization: Once details are confirmed, the order can be finalized and shipped directly from the app, significantly reducing processing time and scope for error. 


Transform Your Sales Process Today! 

The AI Offer Generator is a game-changer for B2B businesses looking to streamline their sales processes. By reducing the time and effort required to create detailed and accurate proposals, minimizing errors, and enabling mobile convenience, this tool empowers sales teams to focus on what truly matters—building strong customer relationships and closing deals. 

Experience the future of sales with the AI Offer Generator. Contact us today to learn more and see how this innovative solution can benefit your business.