AI in CRMs: 5 Examples how you Empower your Sales Teams with AI Features

AI in CRMs: 5 Examples how you Empower your Sales Teams with AI Features
Daniel Walch, CRM Consultant

AI integration in CRM systems gives sales teams numerous opportunities for enhanced efficiency, increased conversion rates, and overall business growth.

Consider the common challenge sales teams face: deciding which leads to prioritize and how to tailor their approach for different customers. Traditional methods often lead to missed chances and wasted efforts because they lack deep insights into customer behaviours and preferences.

In this blog, we present the following:

  1. 5 AI features for your CRM that you can use to create dashboards to make better decisions – and support your sales team in overcoming its challenges.
  2. Things you need to review before implementing AI features in your CRM system.


  1. 5 AI features that you can implement in your CRM system
    1. Customer Segmentation
    2. Lead Scoring
    3. Sales Forecasting
    4. Customer Lifetime Value
    5. Product Recommendations
  2. High-quality data as requirement for AI in CRM
  3. Conclusion: Better decisions and more efficiency with AI

57% of high-performing sales teams use AI to improve their processes and customer experience.

(Source: Salesforce)

AI Features for your CRM:

Various CRM systems such as Salesforce, HubSpot, MS Dynamics, and more are continuously evolving their features with AI.

Here are 5 AI-powered features that these CRM systems have developed and are continuously enhancing, to enable higher conversions.

Eine Glühbirne umrandet von einem Zahnrad als Zeichen für neue Ideen - Digitalagentur SUNZINETTIP: You can enable these AI features in your CRM system and create dashboards.
These dashboards provide your sales team with the intelligence they need at every step, enabling them to increase conversion rates.


01. Customer Segmentation: Gain a deeper understanding of your customers!

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How AI can help: 

Utilizing AI in your CRM enables sales professionals to automatically segment customers based on their behaviour, purchase history, and engagement levels – and allows you to view the results in a dashboard. It analyzes vast amounts of data, and pulls information from multiple sources, such as CRM entries, email interactions, and digital footprint data, to create a holistic view of each customer. By applying clustering algorithms, AI groups customers into segments based on similarities in their behaviours and preferences.

How it makes a difference: 

In contrast to traditional CRMs, an AI solution utilizes machine learning models to process data and to identify patterns that human analysts might miss.

Such as subtle shifts in buying behaviour or emerging trends among specific demographics. It continuously learns and updates customer segments in real-time, offering more accurate and dynamic insights (Dichiera, 2023).

How it empowers Sales teams: 

  • By utilizing this AI feature and by creating AI-based Customer Segmentation dashboards, your sales teams can effectively prioritize leads.
  • They can also customize communication strategies and target offerings, significantly enhancing the conversion rate.

Use AI to identify patterns in customer behaviour invisible to the human eye.

2. Opportunity Scoring: Focus on the Right Customers!

Likelihood to close

How AI can help: 

AI in CRM assists companies in scoring sales opportunities based on their likelihood to close, considering factors such as customer engagement, past purchases, and demographics.

It gathers data from sales interactions, customer feedback, and external market research to calculate scores and create dashboards. Then, it employs Predictive Analytics to assign a conversion probability score to each lead.

How it makes a difference: 

Using AI gave sales teams insight into which leads to prioritize, providing Predictive Analysis instead of a retrospective view.

How it empowers Sales teams: 

  • Creating a Dashboard with opportunity scoring metrics allows sales teams to allocate efforts efficiently, focusing on leads with high conversion potential, thus improving ROI.

3. Sales Forecasting: Identify Possible Trends at an Early Stage!

How AI can help: 

With an AI-driven CRM, you predict and visualize future sales trends based on historical data, market conditions, and customer behaviour patterns.

To generate forecasts AI aggregates historical sales data, incorporating seasonal trends and cyclical patterns, while also pulling in external data like economic indicators or industry trends that could impact sales.

What makes this AI solution different:

This predictive model offers insights into when sales peaks and falls might occur.

It additionally, but also provides explanations for these trends, enabling more informed strategic planning. According to research by Forbes (2019), AI-powered sales forecasting reduced forecast error from 32% to 0%

How it empowers Sales teams: 

  • An AI-based Sales Forecasting helps sales teams set realistic sales targets.
  • It helps the team to prepare for market changes and strategize resource allocation to meet future demands.

AI-powered sales forecasting reduces forecast errors from 32% to 0%

(Source: Forbes 2019)


4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Identify Promising Customer Relationships!

AI Powered_CLV

How AI can help: 

AI in your CRM enables you to view in your dashboard the total value a customer will potentially bring to the company over their lifetime.

An AI-powered solution combines data on past purchases, customer engagement metrics, service interaction histories, and even social media behaviour to forecast future spending and engagement levels. The AI models consider both quantitative data, like transaction history, and qualitative data, such as customer satisfaction scores, to calculate CLV.

What makes this AI solution different:

An AI-powered CRM goes beyond simple historical spending data to incorporate predictions of future interactions and their potential value.

How it empowers Sales teams

  • Sales teams can focus their efforts on nurturing high-value relationships, optimizing customer retention strategies to maximize long-term revenue.

5. Product Recommendation: Encourage your Customers to Buy More!

How AI can help

Employ AI in your CRM to suggest products or services to specific customers based on their preferences, previous purchases, and browsing behavior.
It gathers data from a customer's previous purchases, browsing behavior on the website, and engagement with marketing materials to build a comprehensive dashboard of each customer's preferences and interests.

What makes this AI solution different:

AI can identify patterns and preferences unique to each customer. The Sales team can then use this information to recommend products or services that the customer or the prospect most likely to be interested in, allowing for an upgraded personalized service.

How it empowers Sales teams

  • By using AI Sales teams enhance cross-selling and upselling opportunities, significantly increasing average order value and customer satisfaction.

The base for AI in CRM system: Qualitative data & seamless integration


Data quality is the cornerstone of enabling advanced AI-powered CRM systems for strategic sales decision-making and creating the respective dashboards.

It goes without saying, without proper data sources, the algorithms that feed predictive platforms will have incomplete data, leading to false information and blunders in business. Here's why it's crucial and what needs to be in place:

  • Accuracy and Up-to-Date Information: Regular cleaning and validation are necessary to eliminate errors, duplicates, and outdated information. Accurate data ensures AI algorithms can provide relevant and reliable insights.
  • Completeness of Data: Having complete data is essential for the AI to analyze and predict accurately. Missing information can lead to skewed analyses, impacting sales strategies. Comprehensive data collection across all customer interaction points is crucial for a holistic understanding of customer behaviour.
  • Consistency Across Data Sources: To maintain analysis integrity, data formats and information must be consistent across different databases. Inconsistencies can confuse AI models, reducing their effectiveness. Standardization of data formats and ensuring seamless integration across platforms are vital.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Rigorous enforcement of data privacy and security measures is mandatory to protect sensitive customer information. This includes adhering to regulations like GDPR and implementing strong cybersecurity measures to prevent data breaches.

Make sure that your data sources are of high-quality, clean and integrated.

Conclusion: Better Decisions and More Efficiency with AI in CRM

AI-powered CRMs and dashboards go beyond mere tools for customer relationship management; they are pivotal in reshaping sales strategies. These innovative solutions enable sales teams to make:

  • Data-driven decisions
  • Customized approaches for client engagement
  • Increase Sales conversion and business growth

However, the foundation of their effectiveness lies in the quality of data.
Accurate, complete, and consistent data is essential for AI systems to deliver actionable insights and recommendations. Thus, maintaining high data quality is not an option but a necessity to leverage AI's full potential in sales.

In a competitive sales landscape, where strategic decision-making is critical, integrating AI with a strong data backbone is the key to gaining an edge.


Our Offer: AI Readiness Check for your CRM!


Wondering if your CRM is ready for AI? Then we can help you with our AI Readiness Check service. With it, you'll get:

  • AI Readiness Confirmation: Learn if your CRM is ready to use AI solutions.
  • Data Quality Analysis: Review your data's accuracy, completeness, and consistency.
  • AI Solution Roadmap: Receive guidance on next AI solutions for your setup.
  • Existing AI Solutions Advice: Get Tips on utilizing current AI features in your CRM.
  • AI Implementation Recommendations: Benefit from our custom AI solution suggestions for your system.

Take the first step to enhance your sales strategy with AI. Contact us now for more details on our AI Readiness Check service.




Baird, N. (2019) Six ways AI can impact retail forecasting: Hype vs. reality, Forbes. Available at: (Accessed: 18 March 2024).

State of the Connected Customer Report Salesforce. Available at: (Accessed: 13 March 2024).

Dichiera, M. (2023) Unveiling customer insights: Ai Powered Segmentation dashboard, Medium. Available at: (Accessed: 18 March 2024).

Bangia, M. et al. (2020) Sales automation: The key to boosting revenue and reducing costs. Available at: (Accessed: 12 March 2024).