Redefining data capture: The power of multi-level forms

Kevin Szabò, Knowledge Lead Enterprise Architecture & Senior Developer

In this blog, we will explore how Multi-Level Forms provide efficient solutions to common business challenges. We will highlight how they differ from other market options and discuss practical business scenarios where Multi-Level Forms can help your business grow.


  1. What are multi-level forms?
  2. What challenges can multi-level forms help with?
  3. Use cases in which multi-level forms can optimize processes in your company?
  4. Conclusion

What are multi-level forms?

Multi-level forms are advanced tools for collecting information in a structured and step-by-step manner. They simplify data collection by breaking it down into manageable chunks, which improves usability and allows companies to be more organized. This method is particularly useful for handling complex data and collecting different types of information from different user groups. 

Although there are form tools such as Typeform or Heyflow that also create forms that change depending on user input, multi-level forms are different. Multi-level forms are particularly suited to situations where layered and linked information needs to be collected, not just simple, linear responses. They allow for greater customization and can handle more complicated information paths, which sets them apart from other options on the market.

What challenges can multi-level forms help you with?

Multi-level forms can be a game-changer for companies that need to manage a large amount of data - such as customer feedback, online orders, or registration details. Find out how multi-level forms can help overcome typical business problems:

1. Management of complex forms

Your customers have diverse needs, your forms should be able to adapt dynamically to these needs.
Traditional forms often struggle to handle complexity, especially when different types of responses lead to different follow-up questions. A multi-step form, on the other hand, can change dynamically based on the user's input. For example, if the user is interested in a particular product, the form can automatically display questions that are relevant to that product. Solutions such as Directus also allow the multi-level forms to retrieve information from external sources and update themselves in real-time.

2. Management of extensive questionnaires

Your questionnaire contains many questions and you want it to be easy to navigate? 
Multi-step forms are especially useful if you have a lot of questions for your customers - not just 5 or 10, but hundreds. They can handle a wealth of information without becoming too complex or difficult to use, unlike other forms that can quickly become confusing with too many options. 

This adaptive nature simplifies the management of complex forms, making it easier to target information without overwhelming users or managers.

3. Update requirements

Do your forms need to be constantly updated?
If you need to update your forms regularly - whether by adding new questions or collecting different types of information - multi-step forms are the solution. They make updates quick and easy, without the need for extensive technical knowledge. This flexibility allows companies to easily keep their forms up-to-date and relevant without having to rely on constant IT support.

4. Effective use of collected data

Once the information has been collected through these forms, it needs to be used effectively, whether for marketing purposes such as newsletters, creating customer profiles or updating order details. Multi-step forms can send the collected information directly into other systems that the company uses, such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) systems or ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems. This is a major advantage over other types of form solutions that cannot do this. 

It therefore ensures that the data collected is immediately actionable and can be used effectively in various business processes.

5. Limited technical skills in the team

If you're one of the many small to medium-sized businesses that don't have extensive technical teams, it's crucial to find solutions that are easy to set up and manage. 
This is where multi-level forms come in. You can solutions like Directus, which are specially designed to provide intuitive user interfaces and drag-and-drop functionality so that non-technical staff can easily create, edit, and manage forms. This gives companies control over their data collection processes without having to rely on technical expertise.

In summary, multi-level forms offer a solution to these challenges by providing a flexible, dynamic, and user-friendly method for complex data collection and management. This makes them an ideal tool, regardless of company size and technical capabilities.

Use cases in which multi-level forms can optimize the processes in your company

Case 1: Lead generation and customer relationship management (CRM): 

Case Overview: Many organizations, regardless of industry, need efficient ways to attract and manage potential customer leads. By using multi-step forms, companies can create dynamic, multi-step lead generation forms that are integrated into their websites or marketing campaigns. 

How it works: Multi-step forms can adapt based on user input, allowing for a personalized experience. For example, a potential lead interested in a specific service can be guided through relevant questions to improve interaction. 

The added value for your company: The use of multi-step forms in this case not only improves the quality of leads but also optimizes the lead management process. The data collected can be seamlessly integrated into your company's CRM system. This enables more efficient tracking and management of potential customers and helps to generate more leads.


Case 2: Automated price quotations 

Case Overview: Creating accurate price quotes is a common requirement in many industries, from service providers to manufacturers. 

How it works: With multi-step forms, you can create detailed forms to collect specific customer requirements, such as project scope, materials needed or duration of service. This tool can serve as a seamless channel that accurately collects this important information and forwards it to specialized pricing systems that calculate the final quote or proposal. 

The added value for your company: Integrating this tool with pricing systems significantly optimizes the quoting process and improves the responsiveness of your customer service. By accurately capturing and transferring data to pricing tools, you can ensure that accurate and professional quotes are produced. This reduces time and effort in the quotation process and increases the overall efficiency of the business.

Case 3: Employee onboarding and training processes

Case Overview: For companies of all sizes, optimizing the onboarding and training process for new employees is critical. Multi-step forms can be used to create comprehensive, interactive forms and modules for new employees.   

How it works: Organizations can develop forms that guide new employees through various stages of onboarding, from submitting personal information and signing documents to completing training modules. The platform can dynamically customize content based on the employee's role, department or specific training needs. 

The added value for your company: This approach standardizes and automates the onboarding process, making it more efficient and ensuring that new employees receive all the information they need. It also reduces the administrative burden on HR departments and ensures a consistent experience for all new employees.

Case 4: Customer feedback and market research

Case Overview: Collecting customer feedback and market research is critical for organizations to understand customer needs and market trends. These forms can be used to create versatile and detailed feedback forms and surveys.  

How it works: You can design customized surveys and feedback forms that can be integrated into websites, apps or sent via email. These forms can contain different types of questions and logic to gather specific insights. For example, a customer's response to an initial question can determine which subsequent questions they are shown to allow for more targeted feedback.  

The added value for your business: This use case allows companies to efficiently collect valuable customer information. The data collected can influence product development, marketing strategies, and general business decisions. It also increases customer loyalty by showing that the company values their opinion and is willing to adapt based on their feedback.


Understanding and implementing multi-step forms is critical to overcoming traditional data collection challenges and unlocking new efficiencies. Multilevel forms stand out as a tool that not only facilitates these transitions but also opens doors to innovative data management strategies. As such, they are proving to be an essential ally for companies looking to thrive in a data-driven world.