GSB TYPO3 CMS Agency - Web development agency for public institutions SUNZINET

The Government Site Builder: Everything you need to know about the CMS for the Public Sector

Marcel Epler, Senior Consultant & Solution Architect

In our world of digital technologies, various Content Management Systems (CMS) meet different needs, including those we use to help our clients succeed. However, when it comes to government bodies and public institutions, certain requirements are crucial:

  • Security: Ensuring data protection and cybersecurity.
  • Accessibility: Making content available to all users, including those with disabilities.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to specific legal standards.

The Government Site Builder (GSB) is a Content Management System designed for Germany's public sector, standing out for its focus on government-specific needs. 

In this blog post, we will explore the following topics related to the Government Site Builder: 

  1. Who benefits from the Government Site Builder?
  2. What are the key features of the Government Site Builder?
  3. Why has TYPO3 been chosen as the platform?
  4. How SUNZINET can provide you full support for your GSB project.

Who benefits from the Government Site Builder?

GSB provides features specifically tailored to the needs and legal requirements of the public sector. It is ideal for authorities looking to optimize their online presence.

Here is why GSB stands out as a reliable and secure platform for websites of federal, state, and municipal authorities:

  • Tailored for Public Use: Specifically developed to meet the unique demands of government authorities.
  • Backed by the Federal Government: Maintained by the ITZBund (Information Technology Center of the Federal Government).
  • Open-Source Foundation: From Version 10 onwards, GSB leverages open-source technologies.
  • Feature-Rich: Offers an array of pre-configured components for easy use by public website managers.

Key Features of the Government Site Builder

As a customized solution for the public sector, the new Government Site Builder offers additional features essential for its users.


Key features of GSB - GSB TYPO3 CMS Agency SUNZINET


  • Highest Security Standards
    In a time where cybersecurity is of utmost importance, the GSB provides robust security features, including regular updates, secure standard configurations, and specialized extensions aimed at minimizing vulnerabilities and ensuring platform integrity.

  • Accessibility
    The GSB places great emphasis on compliance with accessibility standards, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their physical or technical abilities, have access to public information and services.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility
    Each public institution has its specific requirements. The GSB offers a flexible and adaptable platform, allowing for individual customizations to meet these requirements.

  • User-Friendly Interface
    Designed with user-friendliness in mind, the GSB allows even individuals without in-depth technical knowledge to manage and update content effectively. An intuitive interface and user-friendly editing tools simplify the maintenance of web content.

  • Integration with Existing Systems
    The GSB seamlessly integrates with a variety of existing systems and applications, supporting the digital transformation of authorities. This streamlines data management and distribution, enabling more efficient resource utilization.

  • Multilingual Support
    With the GSB, content can be managed in multiple languages, which is essential for communication in a multilingual country like Germany. This promotes inclusion and ensures information accessibility to a broader population.

TYPO3 as the Basis of Government Site Builder 11

With Version 11 of the GSB, the ITZBund has revised the foundation, choosing the established Content Management System TYPO3. The decision was driven by the following factors:

  • TYPO3 is actively developed and maintained by a vibrant open-source community. It is designed for professional, accessible, secure, stable, and scalable use.

  • Due to widespread use in federal administration, an easy GSB migration and rapid familiarization are expected.

  • TYPO3 has a clear product vision and a reliable roadmap with a regular and well-defined release cycle. Additionally, it offers a high level of investment security through three-year long-term support contracts.

  • TYPO3 provides excellent scalability, crucial for the often extensive and data-intensive websites of public institutions.


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SUNZINET as a Partner for Your GSB Project

As a TYPO3 agency with over 20 years of experience in large TYPO3 projects for public institutions and private enterprises, we are the ideal partner for your GSB project. As a full-service agency, we accompany and advise our clients in all phases of the project:

  1. Initial analysis of requirements and the current status.

  2. Conceptualization and design.

  3. System development by our certified TYPO3 developers.

  4. Content migration to the new system (including automated processes for large existing systems).

  5. High-performance, GDPR-compliant hosting, including in the cloud.

Do you have more questions about the GSB or want to start with your GSB product?
Then simply contact us, and our experts can help you out with the first free call.  


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