AI assistant for companies

The rise and impact of AI Knowledge Assistant in the workplace

Tomasz Gabryś, AI & Business design consultant

In November 2022, OpenAI launched ChatGPT 3.5 as a public test, quickly gaining widespread popularity. Following the initial excitement, a pressing question emerged: how could this technology be how could this technology be used for company knowledge management? Since then, AI has been used more and more widely for knowledge management and employee support.  

Read this article to find out:

  • what are the three main reasons for using AI knowledge assistants in business,
  • how this kind of assistant works,
  • how to deal with doubts about the functioning of an AI assistant.


Three main use cases for AI knowledge assistants 

After nearly two years since ChatGPT 3.5 was released, we understand how technically AI assistants should be built and how these solutions impact knowledge workers. There are three main use cases for AI knowledge assistants.

First is providing information, so finding relevant information quickly. The second one is critical thinking, so making sure that we don't forget about anything while doing our tasks and making decisions. The third one is writing - converting our conclusions and decisions into text. 

Our article focuses on the first function — providing information. 

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Good quality work done even faster with AI knowledge assistant  

The most significant finding is that AI knowledge assistants enhance both the speed and quality of work. Recent studies have shown that consultants at the Boston Consulting Group, when assisted by AI, completed their tasks with 40% higher quality and over 20% faster than their colleagues who did not use AI for knowledge support. 

Further research indicates that individuals using AI knowledge assistants solve decision-making problems twice as fast as those who don’t use AI. This underscores the importance of efficiently accessing accurate information to make informed decisions, a task well-suited for AI. 


However, the impact of AI knowledge assistance varies among employees. While top-performing employees see modest gains, lower-performing employees experience significant improvements. This is likely because newer employees or those less familiar with internal company knowledge can greatly benefit from AI assistance, which helps bridge the knowledge gap. 


Doubts and recommendations for using AI knowledge assistants 

Implementing AI knowledge assistance is not without risks. Security is a major concern, as we must ensure that the AI is not misused. What are the others? 

Eine Hand die ein Puzzleteil hält als Zeichen von Lösungen finden - Digitalagentur SUNZINETThe critical challenge is building user trust in these tools

Large language models like ChatGPT can sometimes provide incorrect answers, known as ‘hallucinations.’  

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To gain user trust, it is essential to minimize these errors and inform users when an answer may be inaccurate.


Schwarze Zielscheibe mit Pfeil - Digitalagentur SUNZINETRecent research confirms this need for accuracy

When users are not informed about the reliability of their answers, the quality of their work can decline due to reliance on incorrect information.  

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When users are warned that some of the answers may be inaccurate, enable self-monitoring mechanisms and verify the accuracy of the answers generated by artificial intelligence. 


Zwei Hände die eine Checkliste halten als Zeichen für Zusammenarbeit - Digitalagentur SUNZINETThe quality and organization of the information integrated into the system

If the documentation used by the AI knowledge assistant is disorganized or redundant, information retrieval and preparation will be of poor quality. 

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Good quality data

Select core knowledge that most of the employees should know and implement AI assistants with this content first. Then add more knowledge if needed. 



Take control of your AI knowledge assistant  

AI knowledge assistants already support almost every industry. With very good development, this tool can support both company employees and customer communications. It's a good way to enhance work experience, streamline company operations and even deploy employees professionally - based on proven knowledge. 

While AI knowledge support significantly improves the speed and quality of work, it also requires careful implementation to address concerns about security, trust and data quality.

As organizations continue to deploy these tools, understanding and optimizing their use will be key to unlocking their full potential. 

Contact us, if you want to learn more about AI Knowledge Assistants. Our experts will demonstrate how this tool works.