
The potential of AI to content & metadata generation in your store. Check it out!

Tomasz Gabryś, AI & Business design consultant

Product content is a cornerstone of successful online sales, playing a crucial role in attracting and converting customers. Traditionally, creating high-quality product content at scale has been a challenging and resource-consuming task, requiring significant time and manpower.   


In this article you will find information on

  • the importance of professionally prepared content for sales,
  • how to generate product content using AI,
  • what are the benefits of using an AI-powered description generator.

The advent of large-scale language models has revolutionized the content creation process 

These advanced AI tools enable businesses to generate vast amounts of content quickly and efficiently, significantly altering the landscape of content creation. As a result, the challenges and opportunities associated with product content have evolved, offering new possibilities for enhancing e-commerce strategies. 


The importance of quality product content for e-commerce 

A combination of informative, trust-building and SEO-optimized content is key to attracting and converting customers in the digital marketplace. 

Importance of product content for e-commerce success 

  1. Provide essential information about what the product is: technical specifications and intangible attributes such as product feelings and perceived value.
  2. Well-crafted content builds trust, reassuring potential customers that the product meets their needs and expectations.
  3. Product content plays a key role in search engine optimization (SEO), influencing how well a product is positioned and ranked by search algorithms. 

How to get content creation under control? Key principles  

The advent and growing popularity of large language models, such as ChatGPT and Claude from Anthropic, have opened up new opportunities for creating product content at scale with unprecedented speed. These advanced AI tools can generate extensive and diverse content rapidly, significantly reducing the time and resources required for content production. However, this capability also introduces new challenges, particularly in maintaining high-quality standards across all generated content.

description generation

Achieving high-quality content with AI is feasible but requires adherence to several key principles.  

1. Rigorous testing is essential  

Large language models can occasionally produce random or subpar content, so a thorough testing phase is necessary before any AI-generated content is deployed.  

2. Incorporating an AI feedback loop can enhance content quality

This involves the AI system rating its output, but it must be guided carefully to ensure it aligns with desired quality standards. It’s not inherently obvious that models like ChatGPT will evaluate their output as intended without proper framework and training.

3. Maintaining a human-in-the-loop approach is crucial 

Our research indicates that providing multiple content propositions significantly improves the likelihood of generating high-quality content.  

For instance, when offering two versions of a product description, the chance of at least one being rated as high-quality by a human reviewer increases from approximately 40-50% to around 80-90%. This approach leverages the strengths of both AI and human judgment, ensuring that the final content meets high standards. 


Let’s do descriptions with AI. How does AI Description Generator work 

We understand that editing content can be time-consuming. That's why we've developed a special tool to help streamline this process.  

Description Generator generates ready-made product descriptions  in tens of seconds, based on your information. See how it works, or maybe try  testing it yourself. 


What do you gain from this tool? 

  • Time: 1-2 minutes - that's how long it takes to prepare one product description. Later, you just need to verify it and approve the content. 
  • Precision: descriptions are tailored to the industry, audience and functions they are to fulfill. In a word: AI will prepare a product description differently for the construction sector, and differently for the jewelry business.  
  • Flexibility: Possibility to integrate the solution with the selected e-commerce platform. 


AI-driven content management can enhance customer journey in many places  

Utilizing AI for content generation offers significant advantages, particularly in producing multilingual content for various sales channels. This capability allows businesses to synchronize their product communications across different markets seamlessly 



When changes are made, such as introducing new products or updating existing ones, AI can help implement these changes semi-automatically across all languages and platforms. Not only does it save considerable time and effort compared to manual updates, but also ensures consistent messaging and high-quality output. 

The efficiency and consistency achieved through AI-based content management are invaluable in maintaining brand consistency and responding quickly to market needs 

How artificial intelligence can help ? AI-generated content also brings the advantage of creating new and valuable metadata for products.  

For instance, AI can generate alternative names or phrases for products, which can be utilized to enhance search functionality within an e-commerce store. This helps customers find products more easily, even if they use different terminology. Additionally, AI can assist in adding more detailed and custom product categories or classifications. This enriched metadata is useful for improving loyalty programs and customer retention strategies, as it allows businesses to analyze purchasing patterns and preferences more accurately. 



By leveraging these insights, companies can tailor their offerings and marketing strategies more effectively, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction and sales. 

Contact us to see how AI Description Generator works. Our experts will be happy to tell you about the solution. it's a great opportunity to test technological innovations.