When to decide on the team extension?

Tomasz Gabryś, AI & Business design consultant

Team extension or team outsourcing is a practice of augmenting an existing in-house team with external talent or outsourcing a whole team to a third-party provider. This approach is becoming increasingly popular in the current business landscape, especially among companies that operate in the technology industry.

Why team extension has become a trend?

There are several reasons why team extension or outsourcing has become a trend in recent years. One of the main reasons is the shortage of skilled talent in certain areas or technologies. For example, a company may require expertise in a particular programming language or software development tool that is not available in-house. In such cases, team extension or outsourcing provides a solution by enabling the company to access the required skills and expertise quickly and cost-effectively.

Another reason for the trend is the need for flexibility in resource allocation. Team extension or outsourcing allows companies to scale their workforce up or down depending on their business needs. This approach eliminates the need to hire full-time employees for short-term or seasonal projects, reducing the overhead costs of maintaining a large workforce.

Team extension or outsourcing also allows companies to tap into global talent pools, enabling them to access a diverse range of skills and expertise. This trend has become particularly relevant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated the shift towards remote work and virtual collaboration.

Finally, team extension or outsourcing can help companies to reduce their time to market for new products or services. By leveraging external talent, companies can accelerate their development timelines and deliver products or services faster than they could with an in-house team alone.


When to decide on team extension?

Deciding when to extend your team depends on various factors, such as the workload, project deadlines, budget, and the required skill sets for the project. Here are some situations where you might want to consider team extension:

  • High workload: If you have a high workload that your current team cannot manage alone, it may be time to consider team extension. Bringing in additional resources can help alleviate the workload and ensure that you meet project deadlines.
  • Tight deadlines: If you have a tight deadline to complete a project, extending your team can help you meet that deadline by providing additional resources to help you complete the project on time.
  • Specialized skills: If your project requires specialized skills that your current team does not possess, it may be necessary to extend your team to bring in someone with the necessary skills.
  • Budget: If you have the budget to bring in additional team members, it may be worth considering team extension. However, if your budget is limited, you may need to weigh the benefits of bringing in additional resources against the cost.

In summary, deciding on team extension requires evaluating the workload, project deadlines, budget, and required skill sets for the project. If any of these factors indicate a need for additional resources, it may be time to consider extending your team.

Where to look for a team on demand?

Team extension is a popular approach in many industries and business sectors worldwide, particularly in the technology sector. Some of the most popular locations for team extension include:

  • Eastern Europe: Countries such as Ukraine, Poland, and Romania are known for their strong technical talent and have become popular destinations for team extension. They offer skilled professionals at competitive rates.
  • Asia: Countries such as India, the Philippines, and Vietnam have long been popular destinations for team extension due to their large and skilled workforce in the technology sector. They offer a wide range of services at competitive rates.
  • South America: Countries such as Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia are emerging as popular destinations for team extension, particularly for companies in North America due to their geographic proximity and cultural similarities.

Why Poland in the Eastern Europe?

Poland has become a popular destination for outsourcing due to its highly skilled workforce, favorable business environment, and lower labor costs compared to Western Europe. According to a report by the Association of Business Service Leaders in Poland, the country's outsourcing sector employed over 320,000 people in 2020, making it one of the largest employers in the country. The report also stated that Poland's outsourcing industry is expected to continue to grow, with many multinational companies investing in the country.

Overall, team extension or outsourcing is a trend that is likely to continue in the coming years, as more companies seek to access the skills and expertise they need to stay competitive in today's fast-paced business environment.